Cosmetic Surgery

September 30, 2014 | TOPICS: Cosmetic Surgery, Body

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, liposuction was the fourth most popular cosmetic surgical procedure performed in the United States in 2012. A total of 202,000 procedures were performed that year.

September 30, 2014 | TOPICS: Cosmetic Surgery

Most patients will experience some degree of swelling after plastic surgery. In general, this is completely normal and indicates the body’s natural response to surgery or injury. Many people believe that swelling is an indication of excess blood in the region, but if there is no bruise to accompany the swelling, it may simply be an accumulation of other fluids. While swelling does not always indicate a problem, it can be uncomfortable, painful, and annoying, so most patients will look for a way to reduce this swelling.

September 30, 2014 | TOPICS: Cosmetic Surgery, Breast

Patients who choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery are invariably eager to show off their new figure to friends and family as soon as possible following surgery. However, they may not understand that, as with any surgical procedure, there is a recovery period and it takes time before the breasts settle into their final position and shape. Dr. John Griffin believes that it is important not only for patients to understand the final outcome of their procedure, but that they also understand the healing timeline necessary following a breast augmentation procedure.
