Breast Augmentation Revision to Get Smaller Breast Implants

While breast augmentation surgery is designed to increase the size of the breasts, it is possible to get implants that are too big. When this happens, patients face a number of problems that impact their appearance, their daily routine, and even their general health.

The team at our San Mateo, CA plastic surgery center would like to consider the problems caused by breast implants that are too large. We’ll then note how breast augmentation revision can replace the large breast implants with smaller, more proportionate implants.

Problems Associated with Large Breast Implants

When a patient gets breast implants that are too big, the following problems may occur:

  • Poor/Unnatural Appearance - Breasts implants that are too large may look fake and disproportionate. Issues with shape and projection can be severe in these cases.
  • Problems Finding Clothes That Fit Right - Breast implants that are too large can lead to problems finding bras, bathing suits, and tops that fit properly.
  • Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pain - The extra weight of the large breast implants can put a lot of stress on different parts of the body, especially the lower back.
  • Drooping and Sagging Years after Surgery - Large breasts will sag considerably as a person ages. In fact, a patient’s breasts may droop a great deal the older they get.

How Breast Augmentation Revision Can Help

Breast augmentation revision is a corrective procedure that helps address problems associated with the initial surgery. The revision involves removal of the initial breast implants so a surgeon can place smaller ones.

Good Candidates for Breast Implant Revision

Good candidates for breast implant revision are patients who are dissatisfied with the results of their initial breast augmentation surgery. These patients should be in good overall health and not suffer from medical conditions that would make the procedure a risk to general wellness.

Determining an Ideal Breast Implant Size

When performing a revision breast augmentation surgery, it’s important that surgeons pick the right implant size. Yet size isn't the only consideration during implant revision procedures. In addition, a plastic surgeon will also consider:

  • Breast implant shape
  • Breast implant projection
  • Breast implant placement
  • Breast implant composition 

During the consultation process, your plastic surgeon will be able to go over all of these considerations with you to ensure you achieve your aesthetic goals this time around.

The Breast Augmentation Revision Procedure

The breast augmentation revision procedure is performed much like the initial surgery. The old breast implants are removed and the new implants are placed and positioned. Sometimes some excess skin and tissue may be removed if the breasts have sagged in order to improve the perkiness and firmness of the breasts.

A Word on Post-surgical Scarring

Whenever possible, the plastic surgeon will work through the scars from the previous breast augmentation during the revision procedure. This helps prevent additional scarring. If new incisions have to be made, the surgeon will work to limit the size of the new incisions.

Scars will be most noticeable in the first several weeks after surgery. With time, the scars will fade. Keep in mind that breast augmentation scars can be concealed by most tops, undergarments, and bathing suits.

The Results of Breast Augmentation Revision

Breast augmentation revision can give a patient the results she was initially looking to achieve. The smaller breast implants better complement the patient’s figure. Body pain is eliminated, as is the risk of severe sagging in the years ahead. Most importantly, patients feel more confident about their appearance now that ideal aesthetic outcomes have been achieved.

Learn More about Breast Implant Revision

For more information about breast implant revision and whether or not it’s a good option for you, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. Dr. John R. Griffin will discuss revision surgery with you in full detail so you can make a smart decision about your surgical options.

January 17, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Breast