Facelift Complications

A facelift can rejuvenate the appearance, making patients look young and vibrant. Although most patients experience excellent results, there are also some very important risks to consider. 

Due to the nature of the procedure, complications can occur during the recovery period. During facelift surgery, several factors come into play. Varying outcomes are possible if complications aren’t prevented or treated immediately. When considering a facelift, it is important to consider the risks involved in the surgery, and how a patient can prevent them from happening.

What Can Occur?

  • Discomfort: Problems can range from simple pains and aches to that of more serious levels.
  • Skin discoloration: Skin discoloration can occur and the need for a second surgery might be necessary.
  • Infection: Abnormal swelling, increased discomfort, and heat or redness at the incision site are indications of infection.
  • Skin numbness: Numbness at the incision site is often temporary, but may last if nerves have been severed.
  • Hematoma: A hematoma is the poling of blood beneath the skin. If a hematoma develops, it may need to be drained by the surgeon.

Other possible complications include skin loss, fluid acclimation, or unfavorable scarring. If not properly healed, bleeding can occur as well as infection or numbness in the area. Sensitivity and swelling are possible, as well as cardiac and pulmonary complications. Although complications are rare, it’s important for patients to be aware of the risks.

Prevention and Treatment

Although there are risks associated with the facelift procedure, there are several ways to avoid these complications. Simple things such as diet and health have an impact on healing.

Some problems occur through lifestyle choices, such as smoking or drinking before or after the operation. During the medical interview, it’s important for patients to be specific about their history and previous prescriptions, addictions, health concerns, and surgeries. Even something as simple as the use of herbal supplements can affect the surgery.

Those who are searching for the best service should look for an experienced surgeon. Doctors with both training and good patient testimonials are much more prepared for anything that could go wrong. A sense of safety and extra security comes with the knowledge that the physician knows what he or she is doing.

Following the surgery, there are several ways for patients to ensure that the body heals properly. The physician will provide instructions for patients; when followed strictly there is a reduced rate of complications.

When returning home after surgery, it’s important to be aware of the signs of complications. This includes symptoms such as shortness of breath, irregular or rapid heartbeat, as well as chest pains. If patients experiences these symptoms, they should not hesitate to contact medical personnel.  

There is a lot that can be done to prevent facelift complications. Although there are hazards, facelifts can improve the quality of life for women and men alike. Talk to your surgeon to find out how you can reduce the risk of complications.

To schedule a facial plastic surgery consultation, contact Dr. John R. Griffin today.

September 30, 2014 | TOPICS: Cosmetic Surgery, Face