Rhinoplasty for an Overprojected Tip

A rhinoplasty (nose job) can work wonders for a person’s appearance. Just a small adjustment to the nose can bring out the best qualities of other facial features, and boost overall self-esteem in the process. 

A number patients at our San Mateo, CA plastic surgery center have undergone rhinoplasty to correct problems with the nasal tip. Let’s consider how a long or overprojected nasal tip can lead affect a person’s self-image, and how a cosmetic surgeon can address these issues.

Problems Caused by an Overprojected Nasal Tip

If a person has a nose with a long, overprojected tip, it can throw off the overall appearance of the nose. The tip of the nose may hang low and beak-like, which might lead to feelings of self-consciousness, as well as issues with self-esteem. Facial symmetry may also be affected if the overprojected tip is crooked or leans to one side.

Candidates for Rhinoplasty

Good candidates for rhinoplasty are people who are self-conscious about the appearance of their nose. In the case of a nose job for an overprojected nasal tip, the procedure can enhance the appearance of the nose and overall facial symmetry by changing the angle of the nose.

Candidates for rhinoplasty should be in good overall health, know the risks and benefits of the procedure, and have realistic expectations about the outcomes of surgery. Being well-informed results in better patient satisfaction and surgical outcomes.

The Rhinoplasty Procedure

During a rhinoplasty, a plastic surgeon will work through an incision made on the skin between the two nostrils (the columella) or hidden incisions within the nostrils themselves. The use of an open surgery or closed surgery technique will depend on the amount of revision that needs to be done. 

Plastic surgeons have some options for reducing the prominence of an overprotected tip. Typically, tissue is removed from the tip of the nose to improve the angle. It is also possible for a surgeon to add to or alter the bridge of the nose as a means of revising the nasal tip. A combination of both of these approaches may be considered depending on the needs of the patient.

Rhinoplasty Side Effects and Surgical Recovery

The nose will be quite tender after rhinoplasty has been performed. Patients must avoid rubbing and touching their nose until it has properly healed. Even wearing glasses or blowing your nose could alter the final results of surgery.

The following side effects are common after a rhinoplasty:

  • Discomfort
  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Numbness
  • Minor nosebleeds

Patients should take roughly two weeks off from work, which is enough time for the most visible/noticeable side effects to resolve on their own.

The Results of Surgery for an Overprojected Nasal Tip

Rhinoplasty patients report positive results following nasal tip surgery. While the change may be subtle in terms of how much tissue is corrected, just a slight upward angle to the tip of the nose can make a major difference when seen in profile as well as from the front.

Learn More about Rhinoplasty

If you live in the Bay Area and would like more information about rhinoplasty and how it can help you, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. We look forward to your visit to our office and discussing these matters in greater detail.

May 24, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face