Rhinoplasty Side Effects

A rhinoplasty (nose job) cosmetic surgical procedure can do wonders for your facial appearance. In some cases, it can also allow you to breathe easier and sleep better by reducing your snoring. No doubt, you are excited to see and feel these results from your procedure as soon as possible.

While it is important to keep in good spirits during your healing period after surgery, it is also important to also understand some of the side effects that will occur. These are all part of the normal healing process from any surgical procedure as your body works to repair itself. Below, Dr. Griffin outlines some of the most common side effects that may happen following rhinoplasty, as well as how to minimize their severity and duration while you recover after your surgery.


You should expect a certain amount of swelling for the first week following your surgery. This is part of your body’s attempt to isolate the treatment area from the rest of the body, so as to reduce the risk of infection. This is done by blocking off the surgery site with fluids to build a barrier.

You can apply cold compresses or gel packs directly over the swollen areas of your nose to minimize swelling. You can also take the herb Arnica montana, either as a tablet, starting prior to your surgery, or as a gel to apply over the incision sites once they have healed over.


Similar to swelling, bruising is also part of your body’s natural defense system to block off the area of your body that has been incised. In most cases, bruising should last anywhere from seven to 14 days after surgery.

Specific to rhinoplasty, you should expect most of the bruising to be around your eyes, near the nasal bridge. The skin in this area is particularly delicate and thin, so bruising may be more apparent. Just as with treating swelling after surgery, cold compresses, gel packs, and Arnica montana can also be used to reduce the amount and duration of bruising.


As with any surgical procedure, you should expect some minor pain or discomfort as a side effect of your rhinoplasty procedure. Remember, Dr. Griffin has had to make a number of alterations to your nasal cartilage and surrounding bone, as well as possibly having to use splints or grafts to reshape your nose. Given all of this, it should not be surprising that the area around your nose should feel somewhat tender for the first few days following surgery.

Fortunately, an over-the-counter painkiller will work in most cases. If you think that you need something a bit stronger. Dr. Griffin can order a prescription-strength painkiller for you.

Dr. Griffin understands how excited you are to see the final results of your new nose. However, part of preparing yourself for that big moment is understanding the side effects that come along with a rhinoplasty procedure and how to minimize them as much as possible. 

August 17, 2017 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face