Tummy Tuck Candidates

Many people think a tummy tuck is for anyone, but there are a few requirements that are needed in order to get the best results. In fact, men and women must be in good health in order to undergo a tummy tuck. While tummy tuck is not a dangerous procedure, most doctors require their patients to live a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of complications and ensure that the effects of the tummy tuck are not reversed. For this reason, candidates must not smoke and have no significant medical conditions. Doctors also want their patients to have realistic expectations about what can and what cannot be solved with a tummy tuck.

Done Having Children

A single pregnancy can radically stretch the skin of a woman’s stomach in many areas. And while few women would trade the privilege of carrying their own child for a perfect body, it can be impossible to return to the original tautness and smoothness of a pre-pregnancy body. The stretched out, excess skin will remain regardless of workout and diet. This is where a tummy tuck comes in, as long as the woman is sure she is done having children. The effects of a tuck will be reversed if the woman decides she wants to have another child after the procedure is complete.

After Weight Loss

Carrying extra weight causes the skin to stretch out. Over time, this effect becomes permanent, even after the excess weight is lost. This means that even after losing weight (a great accomplishment!), the appearance the skin can still be stretched out and saggy, even after several months or years. Often, the skin simply does not have the elasticity to achieve the slim, toned look a person might desire, even after they have put in significant work to lose the fat underneath the skin. A tummy tuck can lift and tighten the skin, creating a smoother appearance. If you are only partially done losing weight, however, it is best to wait until your weight loss is complete.

Older Patients

As we age, our skin loses its elastic nature. On the face, this manifests itself as wrinkles. Elsewhere on the body, skin will begin to sag as well. Again, no workout or skin care routine can reverse this, but a tummy tuck can. By lifting and tucking the skin of the stomach, an individual can again achieve that toned looked


Some people believe that a tummy tuck will produce the same results as liposuction. This is simply not the case. A tummy tuck focuses mainly on extra skin, which is a result of stretching due to weight, pregnancy, or age. It is not a catch-all procedure. To find out whether a patient is a candidate or not, the individual must discuss his or her lifestyle and desires with the plastic surgeon, who can recommend the best route to get the patient the look he or she desires.

Contact Dr. John R. Griffin to schedule a tummy tuck consultation and find out if you are a good candidate for treatment.

September 30, 2014 | TOPICS: Cosmetic Surgery, Body