Breast Augmentation for Overweight Patients

Breast augmentation surgery is the most popular plastic surgery procedure in the United States. Thanks to silicone and saline breast implants, we can enhance the shape, size, and overall prominence of a patient’s breasts. We take time, making sure all of our patients understand their surgical options, as well as the risks and benefits involved.

Since many people struggle with maintaining a healthy weight, patients ask us if being overweight or obese affects the results of breast augmentation surgery. San Mateo, CA plastic surgeon John R. Griffin would like to address those matters briefly below.

Can Overweight Patients Get Breast Implants?

Yes. If you’re overweight but in good overall health, you will be able to undergo breast augmentation surgery just fine.

In fact, we might consider using fat transfer if you would prefer a subtle breast augmentation procedure instead of using implants. This will allow us to target some unwanted excess fat and improve the overall contour of the breasts in the process.

Can Obese Patients Get Breast Implants?

Obese patients can potentially undergo breast augmentation surgery. However, obese patients will want to consider the risks of surgery that are related to their excessive weight and BMI. There are significant dangers to keep in mind.

Surgery Complication Risk for Obese Patients

According to a 2011 study that was published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, obese patients had an 18.3 percent complication rate from all breast surgeries. That means obese patients were 12 times more likely to experience complications than women of relatively normal weight.

Breaking down this study even further, we should note that breast augmentation surgery comprised only 4 percent of all breast surgeries performed on obese patients. Of that 4 percent of patients, there was a staggering 50.5 percent complication rate. This is an alarming number, and should give you pause if you are obese and would like to get breast implants.

Talk to Your Doctor about Suitability for Surgery

Given this much higher complication risk for obese breast surgery patients, it’s important that you discuss your suitability for surgery with your doctor. A doctor can determine whether or not you can undergo breast augmentation given your current health situation. Playing it safe is advisable and commendable.

Tailoring the Breast Augmentation to Your Body Contour

If you are overweight or obese and are considering breast augmentation, one of the most important things that we will do is design the procedure just for your body shape and contour. Many patients with larger or curvier body types will benefit from getting certain kinds of breast implants.

Say you have broad shoulders and a wide chest. It’s important that a plastic surgeon consider the size, shape, profile, composition, and placement of the implant to achieve results that look natural.

Tailoring results like this can only be done during the consultation process. We will go over the various options available to you and which may be most ideal to achieve your cosmetic goals.

Learn More about Breast Augmentation

To learn more about breast augmentation and what you should know about the surgical process, be sure to contact an experienced cosmetic plastic surgeon. Our team is here to help you look your best.


November 17, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Breast