
August 22, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

The nose is extremely delicate after rhinoplasty (nose job). In fact, blowing your nose and wearing glasses can negatively impact the appearance of the nose while you are healing. To prevent these kinds of problems from occurring, it’s important to protect the nose and keep it stabilized in the early days after surgery. That’s where rhinoplasty splints come into play.

July 24, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

Accidents can happen any time, any place, and anywhere. Some of these accidents are minor and result in bumps and scrapes, while others may result in facial injuries. The nose is of particular concern in these cases. A broken nose can have a lasting effect on your appearance as well as your overall health and wellness.

June 30, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

A rhinoplasty (nose job) is often performed to help make a wide nose appear narrower. It is also possible to perform a rhinoplasty to widen a narrow nose. These aesthetic surgeries on the nose can go a long way toward enhancing overall facial appearance.

May 24, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

A rhinoplasty (nose job) can work wonders for a person’s appearance. Just a small adjustment to the nose can bring out the best qualities of other facial features, and boost overall self-esteem in the process. 

A number patients at our San Mateo, CA plastic surgery center have undergone rhinoplasty to correct problems with the nasal tip. Let’s consider how a long or overprojected nasal tip can lead affect a person’s self-image, and how a cosmetic surgeon can address these issues.

April 24, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

When it comes to enhancing the appearance of your face, reshaping the nose can work wonders. This might explain why rhinoplasty (nose job) is among the most popular procedures at our San Mateo, CA plastic surgery practice.

March 01, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

The nose has a certain distinction as part of the various features that make up the face. Not only should it ideally be right in the center of the face, both horizontally and vertically, but it is also the largest single feature of the face. This means that even a small imperfection in the size or shape of just one part of the nose can throw off the balance of all the facial features.

January 31, 2018 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

Scar tissue is unavoidable after undergoing any kind of surgery. It’s your body’s natural response to trauma. Most of the time, scar tissue is not a major problem for facial plastic surgery patients thanks to careful planning and our surgical expertise. In some cases, however, scar tissue can lead to a number of problems for patients.

December 13, 2017 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

All surgeries carry a certain degree of risk. It's important to us that Dr. John R. Griffin's patients are made aware of the potential complications of any procedure they are about to undergo. It helps with pre-op surgical preparations and gives patients a better appreciation for their post-op instructions and follow-up visits.

November 15, 2017 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

When it comes to any sort of surgery, it's important for patients to understand the procedure they're about to undergo and what the outcomes might be. Before and after photos of other patients can be a good gauge for a plastic surgeon's expertise, but patients really want to know the results of surgery performed on their own face. 

September 21, 2017 - by: Dr. John Griffin | TOPICS: Face

When a person undergoes a rhinoplasty (nose job), the results can be extraordinary. The overall symmetry and appearance of the face may be greatly enhanced. Often, this means added balance or improved prominence to various facial features, translating into improved confidence and a better sense of self.
