Implant Revision

Breast implant revision surgery is commonly performed for two reasons. The first is to correct issues that have arisen due to the manner in which the primary surgery was performed. The patient may be unhappy with the size of her implants, the filler type, the amount of implant projection, or a lack of tissue coverage for the implants. Or perhaps, the patient chose an experienced surgeon and the implants weren’t placed correctly. The second reason for implant revision is the development of implant complications. Implant complications may occur within the first year after surgery, or, more commonly, years after the surgery was performed. Whether you are unhappy with the results of your initial breast augmentation surgery, or have developed implant complications, Dr. John Griffin can perform breast implant revision surgery from his conveniently located Bay Area practice.

Implant Complications:

Breast implants are designed to be long lasting devices that can withstand years of friction and movement within the body. However, they will not last forever. Eventually, implant complications will develop, such as: 

  • Implant leaks: As small tears develop in breast implants, the filler solution is able to leak out of the implant shell. When this occurs, saline implants will completely deflate. Silicone implants won’t deflate, but the silicone gel may migrate to other areas of the breast. In either case, the implants should be replaced.
  • Capsular contracture: Capsular contracture is a response to a foreign object being placed in the breast pocket. The body will form a scar capsule around the implant, isolating the implant from the rest of the body. While this is a natural immune system response, the scar tissue can compress the implant, distorting its shape and making it feel hard to the touch. Severe cases of capsular contracture can even cause pain. To release the constriction of the capsule, remove it entirely, or exclude it, breast implant revision surgery may be performed. 
  • Implant rippling: Implant rippling occurs when the perimeter of the implant shell begins to fold. For some patients, especially those that lack breast tissue and have implants placed above the chest muscle, the rippling can be seen and felt through the skin. If implant rippling is noticeable, the implant can be replaced during a breast implant revision procedure.
  • Double bubble: Double bubble is a condition in which the implant moves below the inframammary crease. As a result, there is a breast mound above and below this crease. By releasing the constricted muscles, reconstructing the crease, and suturing the implant pocket, this problem can be corrected.
  • Breast implant malposition: Implant placement problems include implants that sit too low or too high on the chest, or sit too far apart or too close. While breast implant malposition can be frustrating for patients, these problems can be addressed with the proper breast implant revision techniques.
    • Breast implants that sit too low are often referred to as “Bottomed-Out” implants; in this case, the implant pocket was placed too low, is too large, or, most commonly, has stretched out after surgery.
    • Breast implants that sit too high may result from an incorrectly placed pocket, or implants that have not dropped and settled into place.
    • Breast implants that are too close together, a condition known as symmastia, can result from the implants migrating medially or implants that are too large in size and profile.
    • Implants that are too far apart can be improved often by choosing a different implant profile and size.

Breast Implant Revision Surgery Options

Breast augmentation patients may choose to undergo revision surgery before or after implant complications have developed. At this time, they can change the implant type or the surgical approach to achieve the appearance that best suits their current needs.

  • Implant size and profile: The most common reason for revision surgery in the absence of implant complications is a change in breast size. After the implants have been placed, patients may desire larger or smaller breasts, or their preferences may have changed with the passage of time. With breast implant revision surgery, patients can choose implants in a different size and/or profile to refine the appearance of the breasts.
  • Filler type: Patients may choose to switch to silicone or saline implants when they undergo revision surgery. Patients may choose silicone implants for a more natural look and feel or because they were previously unavailable; other patients desire saline implants so they can avoid the routine MRIs that are required with silicone implants.
  • Surgical placement approach: Patients that previously had their implants placed above the chest muscle may choose to have them moved under the chest muscle to provide more natural tissue coverage.


No matter what your needs may be, Dr. Griffin can perform breast implant revision surgery with satisfying results. Contact his practice today to schedule a breast implant revision consultation.