VECTRA 3D Imaging

Bay Area Plastic Surgeon John R. Griffin employs use of the VECTRA 3D imaging system at his practice. This technology allows patients to preview potential treatment plans during consultation visits. With this imaging software, Dr. Griffin can upload a photo of the patient’s desired treatment area, and then manipulate the image to show patients what they may look like after undergoing their desired plastic surgery procedure.

See your new body in 3D.  TRY IT NOW!

Breast Surgery

Dr. Griffin uses the VECTRA system for patients undergoing breast augmentation and breast lift surgery:

  • Breast augmentation: Using the imaging software, Dr. Griffin can illustrate what different breast implant sizes and profile types will likely look like in each patient.
  • Breast lift: Patients undergoing breast lift surgery can reasonably envision how much lift each technique can produce, and how the nipple and areola can be altered in location and size.

Facial Plastic Surgery

Some of Dr. Griffin’s facial plastic surgery patients can preview potential results with the VECTRA imaging system:

  • Rhinoplasty: The VECTRA 3D imaging technology captures the finest details, allowing Dr. Griffin to make minute or dramatic changes to the bridge, tip, nostrils, and other nasal structures.
  • Chin augmentation: Chin augmentation patients can see how implants in different lengths and widths will affect their final results.
  • Facelift: Facelift surgery can soften the lines and nasolabial folds of the face, and tighten sagging jowls. With the 3D imaging technology, Dr. Griffin can show the patient to what degree each technique can improve the contours of the face.

Body Contouring Surgery

Knowing the results that you can expect from body contouring procedures such as tummy tuck and liposuction can make it easier to make the decision to undergo plastic surgery.

  • Tummy tuck: With tummy tuck surgery, Dr. Griffin can remove excess skin, tighten the abdominal muscles, and re-create the belly button. Using the VECTRA technology, Dr. Griffin can make adjustments so the patient can get a realistic vision of what the tummy tuck procedure can accomplish.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction can be performed to reshape the body’s contours. Using the imaging system, Dr. Griffin can show patients how much contouring can reasonably be achieved with liposuction.

Benefits of the VECTRA 3D Imaging System

The VECTRA 3D imaging system offers many benefits to surgeons and patients, including:

  • By seeing potential treatment results, patients are better prepared to make the decision to undergo surgery.
  • The use of the imaging software improves the patient and surgeon’s ability to select the appropriate implant size, and the most suitable treatment technique.
  • Previewing possible treatment plans sets proper patient expectations.
  • Patients can decide if they prefer more conservative treatment plans, or if a more dramatic change will produce the results that they desire.
  • Patients are more likely to be satisfied with their surgical outcomes.
  • The altered images can be viewed at all angles.
  • Patients can view side-by-side images of potential treatment plans, making it easier to decide which outcome they prefer.

Try VECTRA 3D imaging today.

To schedule a plastic surgery consultation, contact the practice of Dr. John Griffin today.